
希望-神の愛のうちに 4

Denny Wahyudi (the end of July 2005) 
Reflection on the book entitled
“Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling”
by Andrew Lester.


 According to Lester, Victor Frankl points out, "many prisoners in the concentration camp died not from violence, disease, or hunger, but from giving up hope" (83). In the suffering people tend to desperately die soon without enduring long agony. Those who have strong and depth inner power, they can creatively exist and have hope in desperation situation. In the middle of desperation they face, they still have a little hope to continue their lives.    

I can see in many people who used to have good life economically and suddenly when a disaster strikes them they couldn’t stand and revive easily. They tend to stay in depression and be ashamed to renew their spirit. If it continues severely, no wonder they have lack of confidence and self-reliance then gradually have altered mental status and become crazy gradually.

 I see some figures in my real life in this regard. I admired a lot to my father who has strong inner struggle in his life. His example in living many different ups and downs situation draw me to follow his example in positive sense. I believe it is not easy to live in one period of time with more than enough treasure and suddenly he had to live in desperate situation economically, mentally and many other experiences that struck his stability. Most likely if he didn’t have enough inner strength and power (not necessarily religion or belief or faith in God), he would collapse quickly. But, thanks to God, in reality, he could stand up again, restart and renew his life.

 Maybe people see him as a bad person, a bad example for his five children in many ways but people don’t see this positive aspect of his life. As his oldest son, I can see and feel this strong example that I should keep in mind. No wonder if we, his five children, do live accordingly, as he always commands to us, to be much better than he has. Even though he has a habit of gambling, he strongly forbids us to follow his step. Even, he prohibited us to smoke like he did.

 People don’t see that he has strong education to his children. He gave us full responsibility to our future. It seems to me that he didn’t give love and care that I feel lack of it and he only gave material things so that we can grow maturely. Even sometimes the material things he gave were not limited. As a person who has this experience, I can be very grateful to this life giving experience through my father with his positive and negative aspects. I think if I only have nice and positive experience in my life, I don’t have courage to face challenge that always come in my life. So, I think I could take advantage with my past life that give me a lot of ‘pearls’ lessons so that I can live out my present life in the big hope of promised future.

 People outside tend to see the negative things of my father and not to see this positive side. People always admire him that all of his children do live in healthy way, even one, that is me, studying and living out religious life and becoming a priest. I learn a lot of my father’s struggle and his inner power to remain strong to live out this hard life in spite of his weakness as a human being. So that it becomes true that "Hope provides the courage to face whatever chaos and trauma life throws at us. Hope does not try to avoid the pain of finite existence nor is it naïve about suffering" (85).