
希望-神の愛のうちに 1

Denny Wahyudi (the end of July 2005)

Reflection on the book entitled

 Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling

by Andrew Lester.


In my experience having hope is a nice thing because I have many things to look forward in my future. When I was a kid, I had a hope to get graduated from my school and work to live by myself. Afterward, I had a hope to become priest and eventually I did enter the Xaverian Missionaries after having worked for three years.

My hope then continues time by time and until now I still have great hope to finish all of my theology studies in two years and get ordained in priesthood. My hope is not finished with the priesthood ordination but I still have a hope to be a missionary in Japan.

The closest hope I have now is to finish my CPE summer unit then continue my M.Div program in one year and look forward my May 2006 graduation then take vacation to Indonesia in the summer 2006. What wonderful hopes I have planned since some months ago and now still I have these hopes to be accomplished step-by-step accordingly.
今、目前にある私の望みは臨床パストラル教育 (病院のチャプレンとして患者さんの必要に応じたパストラルケア、スピリチュアルケアについて学ぶ)夏期コースを終え、1年間神学修士プログラム(特にアメリカのカトリック教会では司祭になるために取得が必要な学位)を継続して20065月に卒業し、その年の夏にはインドネシアで休暇を取ることです。数カ月前に、私はなんと素晴らしい計画を立てて望みを抱いたことでしょうか。私は現在もそれらが一歩ずつ着実に実現していくよう望んでいます。

Lester writes that our finite hope grows out of our experience of God’s love. "Our security is in the relationship and not the particular events" (66). It is true that I put my hopes in certain events and possibilities ahead of me that I plan beforehand as I elaborate above. If I only put these hopes in my own criteria and expectation that all of them should happen, I will feel frustrated very easily when one or more hopes fail to happen.

As a Christian I should put my hopes in God’s plan and will. Let my hopes to be happened in God’s will. God is in the process of my human hopes. God is the only one who can make my hopes to be transfinite hope in the future.

Again Lester  pointed out,  "Transfinite hope inspires and motivates because it acknowledges a future that goes beyond our finite vision" (67).  I realize that sometimes I put my hopes only in my merely plan and eagerness, not transcend them in God’s plan. I think often times that if I can fulfill my planning hopes in the future,  I  will  gain satisfaction. In fact,  every time I gain my hope that I have planned,  I still feel some degrees of incomplete satisfaction.

Instead, when I put my planning hopes in God’s will in the transcendence ways, whatever the results of my hopes, I do not feel satisfied or unsatisfied but in God’s plan I just surrender in what’s happening in reality. My vision to gain my hopes is limited in my temporary perception but in God’s hands I totally should give up my own ever-changing idea to be fulfilled.